Source: extension/Box2d.js

(function () { /** @globals */
    if (typeof Box2D === "undefined") {
    var b2Vec2 = Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2
        , b2AABB = Box2D.Collision.b2AABB
        , b2BodyDef = Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef
        , b2Body = Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body
        , b2FixtureDef = Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef
        , b2Fixture = Box2D.Dynamics.b2Fixture
        , b2World = Box2D.Dynamics.b2World
        , b2MassData = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2MassData
        , b2PolygonShape = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape
        , b2CircleShape = Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape
        , b2DebugDraw = Box2D.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw
        , b2RevoluteJointDef = Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2RevoluteJointDef
        , b2MouseJointDef =  Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJointDef;
     * Box2d를 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 클래스
     * Box2d-web 라이브러리가 필요하며 라이브러리는 에서 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다.
     * @example
     * var layer = new collie.Layer({
     *  width: 300,
     *  height: 300
     * });
     * var box2d = new collie.Box2d(layer.option("width"), layer.option("height"), 10);
     * box2d.addFixture("normal", {
     *  density: 1.0,
     *  friction: 0.5,
     *  restitution: 0.2
     * });
     * box2d.createWall("right");
     * box2d.createWall("left");
     * box2d.createWall("top");
     * box2d.createWall("bottom", "ground");
     * var box = new DisplayObject({
     *  x: "center",
     *  y: "center",
     *  width: 100,
     *  height: 100,
     *  backgroundColor: "red"
     * }).addTo(layer);
     * box2d.createObject(box, {
     *  type: "dynamic"
     * }, "normal");
     * collie.Renderer.addLayer(layer);
     * collie.Renderer.load(document.getElementById("contianer"));
     * collie.Renderer.start();
     * @class
     * @version 0.0.1
     * @see
     * @see
     * @requires collie.addon.js
     * @requires box2d-web-2.1.a.3.js
     * @param {Number} nWidth 스테이지 너비(px)
     * @param {Number} nHeight 스테이지 높이(px)
     * @param {Number} [nGravity=10] 중력
    collie.Box2d = collie.Class(/** @lends collie.Box2d.prototype */{
        ITERATIONS_VELOCITY : 6, // 속도 체크의 정확도, 높을 수록 정확하다
        ITERATIONS_POSITION : 3, // 위치 체크의 정확도, 높을 수록 정확하다
        WIDTH_OF_WALL : 10, // 벽의 두께(px)
        $init : function (nWidth, nHeight, nGravity) {
            this._oDebugLayer = null;
            this._oDebugDraw = null;
            this._bIsLoaded = false;
            this._bIsDebug = false;
            this._nStep = 60;
            this._nWidth = 0;
            this._nHeight = 0;
            this._htFixtures = {};
            this._htBodies = {};
            nGravity = typeof nGravity !== "undefined" ? nGravity : nGravity || 10;
            this._htWall = {};
            this._oWorld = this.createWorld(nGravity);
            this._fOnProcess = this._onProcess.bind(this);
            this.resize(nWidth, nHeight);
         * displayObject로 body를 찾는다
         * @param {collie.DisplayObject} oDisplayObject
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body}
        getBody : function (oDisplayObject) {
            var nId = oDisplayObject.getId();
            return this._htBodies[nId] || false;
         * Body로 displayObject를 반환한다. index를 사용하지 않기 때문에 속도에 문제가 있을 수 있다.
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody
         * @return {collie.DisplayObject}
        getDisplayObjectByBody : function (oBody) {
            for (var i in this._htBodies) {
                if (this._htBodies[i] === oBody) {
                    return collie.util.getDisplayObjectById(i);
         * Fixture를 추가한다
         * @param {String} sName Fixture 이름
         * @param {Option} htOption Fixture 옵션
         * @param {Number} htOption.friction 마찰력 0~1, 0이면 마찰력이 없다
         * @param {Number} htOption.restitution 반발력 0~1, 0이면 비탄성충돌, 튀기지 않는다
         * @param {Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape|Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape} [oShape] shape도 지정할 경우 입력
        addFixture : function (sName, htOption, oShape) {
            if (oShape) {
                htOption.shape = oShape;
            var fixture = this.createFixture(htOption);
            this._htFixtures[sName] = fixture;
         * 등록된 Fixture를 지움
         * @param {String} sName Fixture 이름
        removeFixture : function (sName) {
            delete this._htFixtures[sName];
         * 등록된 Fixture를 반환
         * @param {String} sName Fixture 이름
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef|Boolean}
        getFixture : function (sName) {
            if (this._htFixtures[sName]) {
                var fixture = new b2FixtureDef();
                for (var i in this._htFixtures[sName]) {
                    fixture[i] = this._htFixtures[sName][i];
                return fixture;
            } else {
                return false;
         * b2FixtureDef를 생성
         * @param {Object} htOption
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef}
        createFixture : function (htOption) {
            var fixture = new b2FixtureDef();
            fixture.density = typeof htOption.density !== "undefined" ? htOption.density : fixture.density;
            fixture.filter = htOption.filter || fixture.filter;
            fixture.friction = typeof htOption.friction !== "undefined" ? htOption.friction : fixture.friction;
            fixture.restitution = typeof htOption.restitution !== "undefined" ? htOption.restitution : fixture.restitution;
            fixture.isSensor = htOption.isSensor || fixture.isSensor;
            fixture.userData = htOption.userData || fixture.userData;
            fixture.shape = htOption.shape || fixture.shape;
            return fixture;
         * b2BodyDef를 생성
         * @param {Object} htOption
         * @param {String} [htOption.type="dynamic"] body 타입 static, dynamic, kinematic
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef}
        createBody : function (htOption) {
            var body = new b2BodyDef();
   = ||;
            body.allowSleep = htOption.allowSleep || body.allowSleep;
            body.angle = htOption.angle || body.angle;
            body.angularDamping = htOption.angularDamping || body.angularDamping;
            body.angularVelocity = htOption.angularVelocity || body.angularVelocity;
            body.awake = htOption.awake || body.awake;
            body.bullet = htOption.bullet || body.bullet;
            body.fixedRotation = htOption.fixedRotation || body.fixedRotation;
            body.inertiaScale = htOption.inertiaScale || body.inertiaScale;
            body.linearDamping = htOption.linearDamping || body.linearDamping;
            body.linearVelocity = htOption.linearVelocity || body.linearVelocity;
            body.position.x = htOption.x / collie.Box2d.SCALE || 0;
            body.position.y = htOption.y / collie.Box2d.SCALE || 0;

            switch (htOption.type) {
                case "static" :
                    body.type = b2Body.b2_staticBody;
                case "kinematic" :
                    body.type = b2Body.b2_kinematicBody;
                case "dynamic" :
                default :
                    body.type = b2Body.b2_dynamicBody;

            body.userData = htOption.userData || body.userData;
            return body;
         * Box2d 객체를 생성한다
         * @param {collie.DisplayObject} oDisplayObject
         * @param {Object} htOption body options
         * @param {Number} [htOption.radius] 반지름, 이 값이 설정되면 Shape는 해당 반지름을 가지는 원으로 생성됨 
         * @param {Number} [htOption.width] 상자 너비(px) 이 값이 설정되면 Shape는 상자로 생성됨 
         * @param {Number} [htOption.height] 상자 높이(px) 이 값이 설정되면 Shape는 상자로 생성됨 
         * @param {String} [htOption.type="dynamic"] Body 종류, static(고정), dynamic(움직임), kinematic(움직이지만 다른 body에 영향이 없음) 
         * @param {Number} [htOption.groupIndex] 충돌 그룹을 지정할 수 있다. 양수와 음수를 쓸 수 있으며 같은 양수의 index끼리는 충돌하고, 같은 음수의 index끼리는 충돌하지 않는다 
         * @param {Number} [htOption.userData] UserData 
         * @param {String|Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef} vFixture addFixture로 추가한 이름이나 FixtureDef를 입력
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body}
        createObject : function (oDisplayObject, htOption, vFixture) {
            var htInfo = oDisplayObject.get();
            var nId = oDisplayObject.getId();
            htOption.x = htInfo.x + htInfo.width / 2;
            htOption.y = htInfo.y + htInfo.height / 2;
            var bodyDef = this.createBody(htOption);
            var fixtureDef = typeof vFixture === "string" ? this.getFixture(vFixture) : vFixture;
            // 충돌 그룹을 설정한다
            if ("groupIndex" in htOption) {
                fixtureDef.filter.groupIndex = htOption.groupIndex;
            // 정해진 shape가 없으면 조건에 따라 shape을 만든다
            if (!fixtureDef.shape) {
                fixtureDef.shape = this._createShape(oDisplayObject, htOption);
            var body = this._oWorld.CreateBody(bodyDef);
            this._htBodies[nId] = body; 
            body._displayObjectId = nId;
            return body;
         * DisplayObject와 관계 없는 Static Object를 생성
         * @param {Object} htOption
         * @param {Number} htOption.x 좌상단 x좌표
         * @param {Number} htOption.y 좌상단 y좌표
         * @param {Number} htOption.width
         * @param {Number} htOption.height
         * @param {String|Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef} [vFixture] addFixture로 추가한 이름이나 FixtureDef를 입력
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body}
        createStaticObject : function (htOption, vFixture) {
            var fixtureDef;
            htOption.type = "static";
            htOption.x += htOption.width / 2; // 중심 좌표로 변환, collie는 좌상단 기준, box2d는 중심 기준 좌표를 쓰고 있기 때문
            htOption.y += htOption.height / 2;
            if (!vFixture) {
                fixtureDef = new b2FixtureDef();
            } else {
                fixtureDef = typeof vFixture === "string" ? this.getFixture(vFixture) : vFixture;
            // 정해진 shape가 없으면 조건에 따라 shape을 만든다
            if (!fixtureDef.shape) {
                fixtureDef.shape = this._createShape(null, htOption);
            var bodyDef = this.createBody(htOption);
            var body = this._oWorld.CreateBody(bodyDef);
            return body;
         * 벽을 만든다
         * @param {String} sDirection 벽 방향, left, right, top, bottom
         * @param {String|Box2D.Dynamics.b2FixtureDef} [vFixture] addFixture로 추가한 이름이나 FixtureDef를 입력
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body}
        createWall : function (sDirection, vFixture) {
            var body;
            switch (sDirection) {
                case "left" :
                    body = this.createStaticObject({
                        x : -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL,
                        y : -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL,
                        width : this.WIDTH_OF_WALL,
                        height : this._nHeight + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2
                    }, vFixture);
                case "right" :
                    body = this.createStaticObject({
                        x : this._nWidth,
                        y : -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL,
                        width : this.WIDTH_OF_WALL,
                        height : this._nHeight + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2
                    }, vFixture);
                case "top" :
                    body = this.createStaticObject({
                        x : -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL,
                        y : -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL,
                        width : this._nWidth + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2,
                        height : this.WIDTH_OF_WALL
                    }, vFixture);
                case "bottom" :
                    body = this.createStaticObject({
                        x : -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL,
                        y : this._nHeight,
                        width : this._nWidth + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2,
                        height : this.WIDTH_OF_WALL
                    }, vFixture);
                default :
                    throw new Error("not invalid direction");
            this._htWall[sDirection] = body;
            return body;
         * 등록된 객체를 제거한다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody
         * @param {Boolean} bRemoveDisplayObject DisplayObject까지 같이 제거한다
        removeObject : function (oBody, bRemoveDisplayObject) {
            var nId = oBody._displayObjectId;
            // createObject로 만들어진 객체라면
            if (nId) {
                if (bRemoveDisplayObject) {
                delete this._htBodies[nId];
         * 조건에 따라 shape를 만든다
         * @private
         * @return {Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape|Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape}
        _createShape : function (oDisplayObject, htOption) {
            var shape;
            if (("width" in htOption) && ("height" in htOption)) {
                shape = this._createShapeBox(htOption.width / collie.Box2d.SCALE, htOption.height / collie.Box2d.SCALE);
            } else if (("radius" in htOption)) {
                shape = this._createShapeCircle(htOption.radius / collie.Box2d.SCALE);
            } else if (oDisplayObject) {
                if (oDisplayObject instanceof collie.Circle) {
                    shape = this._createShapeCircle(oDisplayObject._htOption.radius / collie.Box2d.SCALE);
                } else {
                    shape = this._createShapeBox(oDisplayObject._htOption.width / collie.Box2d.SCALE, oDisplayObject._htOption.height / collie.Box2d.SCALE);
            return shape;
         * 사각형 Shape를 만듦
         * @private
         * @param {Number} nWidth
         * @param {Number} nHeight
         * @return {Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape}
        _createShapeBox : function (nWidth, nHeight) {
            var shape = new b2PolygonShape();
            shape.SetAsBox(nWidth / 2, nHeight / 2);
            return shape;
         * 원형 shape를 만듦
         * @private
         * @param {Number} nRadius 반지름
         * @return {Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape}
        _createShapeCircle : function (nRadius) {
            return new b2CircleShape(nRadius);
         * Contact를 만든다
         * @param {Function} [fBeginContact]
         * @param {Function} [fEndContact]
         * @param {Function} [fPostSolve]
         * @param {Function} [fPreSolve]
        createContact : function (fBeginContact, fEndContact, fPostSolve, fPreSolve) {
            var listener = new Box2D.Dynamics.b2ContactListener();
            if (typeof fBeginContact !== "undefined") {
                listener.BeginContact = fBeginContact;
            if (typeof fEndContact !== "undefined") {
                listener.EndContact = fEndContact;
            if (typeof fPostSolve !== "undefined") {
                listener.PostSolve = fPostSolve;
            if (typeof fPreSolve !== "undefined") {
                listener.PreSolve = fPreSolve;
         * RevoluteJoint를 만든다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody1 연결할 왼쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody2 연결할 오른쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAnchor 연결점
         * @param {Object} htOption Joint 옵션
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} 생성된 Joint
        createRevoluteJoint : function (oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor, htOption) {
            var oJoint = new b2RevoluteJointDef();
            htOption = htOption || {};
            oJoint.Initialize(oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor);
            oJoint.enableLimit = typeof htOption.enableLimit !== "undefined" ? htOption.enableLimit : oJoint.enableLimit; 
            oJoint.enableMotor = typeof htOption.enableMotor !== "undefined" ? htOption.enableMotor : oJoint.enableMotor; 
            oJoint.localAnchorA = typeof htOption.localAnchorA !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorA : oJoint.localAnchorA; 
            oJoint.localAnchorB = typeof htOption.localAnchorB !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorB : oJoint.localAnchorB; 
            oJoint.lowerAngle = typeof htOption.lowerAngle !== "undefined" ? htOption.lowerAngle : oJoint.lowerAngle; 
            oJoint.maxMotorTorque = typeof htOption.maxMotorTorque !== "undefined" ? htOption.maxMotorTorque : oJoint.maxMotorTorque; 
            oJoint.motorSpeed = typeof htOption.motorSpeed !== "undefined" ? htOption.motorSpeed : oJoint.motorSpeed; 
            oJoint.referenceAngle = typeof htOption.referenceAngle !== "undefined" ? htOption.referenceAngle : oJoint.referenceAngle; 
            oJoint.upperAngle = typeof htOption.upperAngle !== "undefined" ? htOption.upperAngle : oJoint.upperAngle;
            return this._oWorld.CreateJoint(oJoint);
         * DistanceJoint를 만든다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody1 연결할 왼쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody2 연결할 오른쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAnchor1 왼쪽 연결점
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAnchor2 오른쪽 연결점
         * @param {Object} htOption Joint 옵션
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} 생성된 Joint
        createDistanceJoint : function (oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor1, oAnchor2, htOption) {
            var oJoint = new Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2DistanceJointDef();
            htOption = htOption || {};
            oJoint.Initialize(oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor1, oAnchor2);
            oJoint.dampingRatio = typeof htOption.dampingRatio !== "undefined" ? htOption.dampingRatio : oJoint.dampingRatio; 
            oJoint.frequencyHz = typeof htOption.frequencyHz !== "undefined" ? htOption.frequencyHz : oJoint.frequencyHz; 
            oJoint.length = typeof htOption.length !== "undefined" ? htOption.length : oJoint.length; 
            oJoint.localAnchorA = typeof htOption.localAnchorA !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorA : oJoint.localAnchorA; 
            oJoint.localAnchorB = typeof htOption.localAnchorB !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorB : oJoint.localAnchorB; 
            return this._oWorld.CreateJoint(oJoint);
         * FrictionJoint를 만든다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody1 연결할 왼쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody2 연결할 오른쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAnchor 연결점
         * @param {Object} htOption Joint 옵션
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} 생성된 Joint
        createFrictionJoint : function (oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor, htOption) {
            var oJoint = new Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2FrictionJointDef();
            htOption = htOption || {};
            oJoint.Initialize(oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor);
            oJoint.localAnchorA = typeof htOption.localAnchorA !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorA : oJoint.localAnchorA; 
            oJoint.localAnchorB = typeof htOption.localAnchorB !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorB : oJoint.localAnchorB; 
            oJoint.maxForce = typeof htOption.maxForce !== "undefined" ? htOption.maxForce : oJoint.maxForce; 
            oJoint.maxTorque = typeof htOption.maxTorque !== "undefined" ? htOption.maxTorque : oJoint.maxTorque; 
            return this._oWorld.CreateJoint(oJoint);
         * GearJoint를 만든다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} oJoint1 연결할 joint1
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} oJoint2 연결할 joint2
         * @param {Number} nRatio 기어 비율
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} 생성된 Joint
        createGearJoint : function (oJoint1, oJoint2, nRatio) {
            var oJoint = new Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2GearJointDef();
            oJoint.joint1 = oJoint2 
            oJoint.joint2 = oJoint2; 
            oJoint.ratio = nRatio; 
            return this._oWorld.CreateJoint(oJoint);
         * LineJoint를 만든다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody1 연결할 왼쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody2 연결할 오른쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAnchor 연결점
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAxis 축
         * @param {Object} htOption Joint 옵션
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} 생성된 Joint
        createLineJoint : function (oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor, oAxis, htOption) {
            var oJoint = new Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2LineJointDef();
            htOption = htOption || {};
            oJoint.Initialize(oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor, oAxis);
            oJoint.enableLimit = typeof htOption.enableLimit !== "undefined" ? htOption.enableLimit : oJoint.enableLimit; 
            oJoint.enableMotor = typeof htOption.enableMotor !== "undefined" ? htOption.enableMotor : oJoint.enableMotor; 
            oJoint.localAnchorA = typeof htOption.localAnchorA !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorA : oJoint.localAnchorA; 
            oJoint.localAnchorB = typeof htOption.localAnchorB !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorB : oJoint.localAnchorB; 
            oJoint.localAxisA = typeof htOption.localAxisA !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAxisA : oJoint.localAxisA; 
            oJoint.lowerTranslation = typeof htOption.lowerTranslation !== "undefined" ? htOption.lowerTranslation : oJoint.lowerTranslation; 
            oJoint.maxMotorForce = typeof htOption.maxMotorForce !== "undefined" ? htOption.maxMotorForce : oJoint.maxMotorForce; 
            oJoint.motorSpeed = typeof htOption.motorSpeed !== "undefined" ? htOption.motorSpeed : oJoint.motorSpeed; 
            oJoint.upperTranslation = typeof htOption.upperTranslation !== "undefined" ? htOption.upperTranslation : oJoint.upperTranslation; 
            return this._oWorld.CreateJoint(oJoint);
         * MouseJoint를 만든다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody 연결할 대상 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oTarget 대상 좌표
         * @param {Object} htOption Joint 옵션
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} 생성된 Joint
        createMouseJoint : function (oBody, oTarget, htOption) {
            var oJoint = new Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJointDef();
            htOption = htOption || {};
            oJoint.bodyA = this._oWorld.GetGroundBody();
            oJoint.bodyB = oBody;
   = oTarget;
            oJoint.dampingRatio = typeof htOption.dampingRatio !== "undefined" ? htOption.dampingRatio : oJoint.dampingRatio; 
            oJoint.frequencyHz = typeof htOption.frequencyHz !== "undefined" ? htOption.frequencyHz : oJoint.frequencyHz; 
            oJoint.maxForce = typeof htOption.maxForce !== "undefined" ? htOption.maxForce : oJoint.maxForce;
            return this._oWorld.CreateJoint(oJoint);
         * PrismaticJoint를 만든다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody1 연결할 왼쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody2 연결할 오른쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAnchor 연결점
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAxis 축
         * @param {Object} htOption Joint 옵션
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} 생성된 Joint
        createPrismaticJoint : function (oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor, oAxis, htOption) {
            var oJoint = new Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PrismaticJointDef();
            htOption = htOption || {};
            oJoint.Initialize(oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor, oAxis);
            oJoint.enableLimit = typeof htOption.enableLimit !== "undefined" ? htOption.enableLimit : oJoint.enableLimit; 
            oJoint.enableMotor = typeof htOption.enableMotor !== "undefined" ? htOption.enableMotor : oJoint.enableMotor; 
            oJoint.localAnchorA = typeof htOption.localAnchorA !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorA : oJoint.localAnchorA; 
            oJoint.localAnchorB = typeof htOption.localAnchorB !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorB : oJoint.localAnchorB; 
            oJoint.localAxisA = typeof htOption.localAxisA !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAxisA : oJoint.localAxisA; 
            oJoint.lowerTranslation = typeof htOption.lowerTranslation !== "undefined" ? htOption.lowerTranslation : oJoint.lowerTranslation; 
            oJoint.maxMotorForce = typeof htOption.maxMotorForce !== "undefined" ? htOption.maxMotorForce : oJoint.maxMotorForce; 
            oJoint.motorSpeed = typeof htOption.motorSpeed !== "undefined" ? htOption.motorSpeed : oJoint.motorSpeed; 
            oJoint.referenceAngle = typeof htOption.referenceAngle !== "undefined" ? htOption.referenceAngle : oJoint.referenceAngle; 
            oJoint.upperTranslation = typeof htOption.upperTranslation !== "undefined" ? htOption.upperTranslation : oJoint.upperTranslation; 
            return this._oWorld.CreateJoint(oJoint);
         * PulleyJoint를 만든다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody1 연결할 왼쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody2 연결할 오른쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oGroundAnchor1 첫번째 땅 연결점
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oGroundAnchor2 두번째 땅 연결점
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAnchor1 왼쪽 연결점
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAnchor2 오른쪽 연결점
         * @param {Number} nRatio The pulley ratio, used to simulate a block-and-tackle.
         * @param {Object} htOption Joint 옵션
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} 생성된 Joint
        createPulleyJoint : function (oBody1, oBody2, oGaA, oGaB, oAnchor1, oAnchor2, nR, htOption) {
            var oJoint = new Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PulleyJointDef();
            htOption = htOption || {};
            oJoint.Initialize(oBody1, oBody2, oGaA, oGaB, oAnchor1, oAnchor2, nR);
            oJoint.lengthA = typeof htOption.lengthA !== "undefined" ? htOption.lengthA : oJoint.lengthA; 
            oJoint.lengthB = typeof htOption.lengthB !== "undefined" ? htOption.lengthB : oJoint.lengthB;
            oJoint.localAnchorA = typeof htOption.localAnchorA !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorA : oJoint.localAnchorA; 
            oJoint.localAnchorB = typeof htOption.localAnchorB !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorB : oJoint.localAnchorB; 
            oJoint.maxLengthA = typeof htOption.maxLengthA !== "undefined" ? htOption.maxLengthA : oJoint.maxLengthA; 
            oJoint.maxLengthB = typeof htOption.maxLengthB !== "undefined" ? htOption.maxLengthB : oJoint.maxLengthB; 
            return this._oWorld.CreateJoint(oJoint);
         * WeldJoint를 만든다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody1 연결할 왼쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody2 연결할 오른쪽 body 
         * @param {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2} oAnchor 연결점
         * @param {Object} htOption Joint 옵션
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} 생성된 Joint
        createWeldJoint : function (oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor, htOption) {
            var oJoint = new Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2WeldJointDef();
            htOption = htOption || {};
            oJoint.Initialize(oBody1, oBody2, oAnchor);
            oJoint.localAnchorA = typeof htOption.localAnchorA !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorA : oJoint.localAnchorA; 
            oJoint.localAnchorB = typeof htOption.localAnchorB !== "undefined" ? htOption.localAnchorB : oJoint.localAnchorB; 
            oJoint.referenceAngle = typeof htOption.referenceAngle !== "undefined" ? htOption.referenceAngle : oJoint.referenceAngle; 
            return this._oWorld.CreateJoint(oJoint);
         * 등록된 Joint를 지운다
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint} oJoint
        removeJoint : function (oJoint) {
         * b2World를 생성한다
         * @param {Number} nGravity 중력
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.b2World}
        createWorld : function (nGravity) {
            return new b2World(new b2Vec2(0, nGravity), true);
         * 생성된 World 객체를 반환한다
         * @return {Box2D.Dynamics.b2World}
        getWorld : function () {
            return this._oWorld;
         * Box2d를 로드한다.
         * @param {Boolean} bIsDebug 디버깅용 레이어를 표시할지 여부
        load : function (bIsDebug) {
            if (!this._bIsLoaded) {
                this._bIsLoaded = true;
                this._nStep = Math.round(1000 / collie.Renderer.getDuration());
                if (bIsDebug) {
                    this._setDebug(this._nWidth, this._nHeight);
                collie.Renderer.attach("process", this._fOnProcess);
         * Box2d를 해제하여 사용하지 않는다
        unload : function () {
            if (this._bIsLoaded) {
                this._bIsLoaded = false;
                collie.Renderer.detach("process", this._fOnProcess);
         * 스테이지 크기가 바뀔 경우
         * @param {Number} nWidth
         * @param {Number} nHeight
        resize : function (nWidth, nHeight) {
            var x, y, width, height;
            this._nWidth = nWidth;
            this._nHeight = nHeight;
            if (this._htWall) {
                for (var i in this._htWall) {
                    switch (i) {
                        case "left" :
                            x = -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL + (this.WIDTH_OF_WALL / 2);
                            y = -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL + ((this._nHeight + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2) / 2);
                            width = this.WIDTH_OF_WALL;
                            height = this._nHeight + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2;
                        case "right" :
                            x = this._nWidth + (this.WIDTH_OF_WALL / 2);
                            y = -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL + ((this._nHeight + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2) / 2);
                            width = this.WIDTH_OF_WALL;
                            height = this._nHeight + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2;
                        case "top" :
                            x = -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL + ((this._nWidth + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2) / 2);
                            y = -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL + (this.WIDTH_OF_WALL / 2);
                            width = this._nWidth + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2;
                            height = this.WIDTH_OF_WALL;
                        case "bottom" :
                            x = -this.WIDTH_OF_WALL + ((this._nWidth + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2) / 2);
                            y = this._nHeight + (this.WIDTH_OF_WALL / 2);
                            width = this._nWidth + this.WIDTH_OF_WALL * 2;
                            height = this.WIDTH_OF_WALL;
                    x /= collie.Box2d.SCALE;
                    y /= collie.Box2d.SCALE;
                    width /= collie.Box2d.SCALE;
                    height /= collie.Box2d.SCALE;
                    this._htWall[i].SetPosition(collie.Box2d.vec2(x, y));
                    this._htWall[i].GetFixtureList().GetShape().SetAsBox(width / 2, height / 2);
         * 디버깅 모드를 설정한다. 설정 후에는 화면에 Box2d 객체가 표시 된다
         * @private
        _setDebug : function (nWidth, nHeight) {
            if (!this._bIsDebug) {
                if (this._oDebugLayer === null) {
                    this._oDebugLayer = new collie.Layer({
                        width: nWidth,
                        height: nHeight
                } else {
                    this._oDebugLayer.resize(nWidth, nHeight);
                if (this._oDebugDraw === null) {
                    this._oDebugDraw = new b2DebugDraw();
                    this._oDebugDraw.SetFlags(b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit | b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit);
                this._bIsDebug = true;
         * 디버깅 모드를 해제한다
         * @private
        _unsetDebug : function () {
            if (this._bIsDebug) {
                this._bIsDebug = false;
        _onProcess : function (e) {
            var nStepRate = 1 / this._nStep;
            this._oWorld.Step(nStepRate, this.ITERATIONS_VELOCITY, this.ITERATIONS_POSITION);
            var body = this._oWorld.GetBodyList();
            // 등록된 객체가 있을 경우 업데이트
            if (body) {
                do {
                    // 업데이트할 수 있는 객체면
                    if (body.IsActive() && body._displayObjectId) {
                    body = body.GetNext();
                } while (body);
            // 디버깅 용 box2d 객체 그림
            if (this._bIsDebug) {
         * 객체의 상태를 업데이트
         * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody 
        _update : function (oBody) {
            var oDisplayObject = collie.util.getDisplayObjectById(oBody._displayObjectId);
            if (oDisplayObject) {
                var htInfo = oDisplayObject.get();
                var htPosition = oBody.GetPosition();
                oDisplayObject.set("angle", collie.util.toDeg(oBody.GetAngle()));
                oDisplayObject.set("x", (htPosition.x - ((htInfo.width / collie.Box2d.SCALE) / 2)) * collie.Box2d.SCALE);
                oDisplayObject.set("y", (htPosition.y - ((htInfo.height / collie.Box2d.SCALE) / 2)) * collie.Box2d.SCALE);
            } else {
                // displayObject가 사라졌다면 box2d 객체도 지움
     * b2Vec2를 생성해서 반환, 주로 속도에서 쓰임
     * @static 
     * @param {Number} x
     * @param {Number} y
     * @param {Boolean} bIsPixel
     * @return {Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2}
    collie.Box2d.vec2 = function (x, y, bIsPixel) {
        if (bIsPixel) {
            x /= collie.Box2d.SCALE;
            y /= collie.Box2d.SCALE;
        return new b2Vec2(x, y);
     * UserData 설정돼 있는지 여부를 반환
     * @static 
     * @param {Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body} oBody 대상 Body 
     * @return {Boolean} UserData가 있으면 true를 반환 
    collie.Box2d.hasUserData = function (oBody) {
        var userData = oBody.GetUserData();
        return (typeof userData !== "undefined") && userData !== null; 
     * @static
     * @property {Number} pixel을 meter로 바꿈;
    collie.Box2d.SCALE = 30;
     * @static
     * @property {Object} Body type
    collie.Box2d.BODY_TYPE = {
        STATIC : "static",
        KINEMATIC : "kinematic",
        DYNAMIC : "dynamic"
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